Author: root

Cut down like those fighting for freedom

The western journalists who came to Hungary in droves during the 1956 Revolution did not shy away from putting their lives in danger to get a good story. Despite this,…

The misery of the kulaks

The communist system was no fan of those who worked on their own, not in industry or in agriculture, for people who worked and thought on their own were more…

Roma played their part in the 1956 Revolution

For the 60th anniversary of the 1956 Revolution, a short video series was produced to remember and honor those Roma who, like their fellow countrymen, participated in this fight for…

The pianist and the passport

These days Tamás Vásáry is a famous conductor who works for the Hungarian National Radio as the music director of its orchestra. He has also racked up a Kossuth Prize…

A Protest that Spawned a National Revolution

The protests of October 23, 1956 that grew into the revolution were launched by the university and college students. When the students had finalized their 16 points demanding democratic changes…

In and out of jail while reporting for Reuters

Aurél Varannai was a rarity among those working for foreign media companies, since he had first-hand experience with the torture-filled Rákosi-era prison system. What had been his crime? Simply working…